Gretchen Caldwell
K-4 Counselor

Erin Weber
5-8 Counselor
Mrs. Weber's Website

Holly Corso
Title I

Sophia Schattner
Reading Specialist
Katrina Runkel Seewald
Director of Special Education
Vision: The Union Grove Elementary Special Education Department will work as a team to help all students understand themselves, make adequate progress throughout the school year in all domains, and graduate with the skills necessary to be a productive member of society.
Mission: The Union Grove Elementary Special Education Department collaborates with students, staff, families, and the community to provide each student with the support they require in order to be successful across all school settings.
To assist parents with understanding dyslexia and finding resources for intervention strategies, the Department of Public Instruction has published guidance: DPI Dyselxia Guidebook
Special Education Referrals: Anyone who has knowledge of a student and suspects a disability may make a referral for a special education evaluation to the school district. Referral Notice
Erin McGrath
School Psychologist Intern
My role as the School Psychologist Intern is to provide direct support and interventions to students; consult with teachers, families, and other school-employed mental health professionals (i.e. school counselors) to improve support strategies; implement and manage 504 plans; evaluate and support students under special education; work with school administrators to improve school-wide practices and policies; and collaborate with community providers to coordinate needed services. I personally enjoy working with and assisting the children and families of the Union Grove Community throughout their academic careers.
Gretchen Caldwell
K-4 Counselor
Erin Weber
5-8 Counselor
Mrs. Weber's Website
Holly Corso
Title I
Sophia Schattner
Reading Specialist