Accelerated Reader

Accelerated Reader (AR) is an exciting way for students to read books, take a quiz on a school computer, earn points and receive instant feed back on quiz questions. Students earn points towards individual incentives through out the school year, including having their name posted on the AR Wall across from the library.
Exact information about books, titles and point value can be found at AR BookFinder.
Students use the same username and password they use for other school related softwares
Students might want to log in using their AR login and password at home to a site called Renaissance Home Connect. This is a great place for parents and students to see test titles that have been taken and how many points students have earned. A great way to keep up with goals!
Click here for the AR Incentives and Point Goals chart
We are always accepting any new or gently used items that would make good BINGO prizes for elementary aged children. Please send or bring them to the school office or to Mrs. Loppnow.
Check the chart and get started today to earn great incentives.